Shipping Point Vegetable Report - Phoenix, AZ

PHOENIX Shipping Point Prices as of 02-APR-2024 Provided by: Specialty Crops Market News Federal - State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (602) 557-0410 Fax: (602) Prices represent open (spot) market sales by first handlers on product of generally good quality and condition unless otherwise stated and may include promotional allowances or other incentives. No consideration is given to after-sale adjustments unless otherwise stated. Reported prices generally include, but are not limited to, applicable brokerage fees and commissions, Customs fees and duties, U.S. packaging and U.S. freight costs prior to first sale, paid by the shipper/seller. Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis excludes all charges for freight after sale. IX_FV120 Phoenix, AZ: Sunny 55-76 Yuma, AZ: Sunny 56-86 Bakersfield, CA: Sunny 54-80 San Luis, AZ: Sunny 54-79 Coachella, CA: Sunny 57-86 El Centro, CA: Sunny 52-82 Fresno, CA: Sunny 53-78 Huron, CA: Sunny 49-78 Oxnard, CA: Sunny 51-67 Salinas, CA: Sunny 48-70 Santa Maria, CA: Sunny 46-73 McAllen, TX: Sunny 61-89 San Antonio, TX: Sunny 54-83 Culiacan, SI MX: Sunny 51-86 Hermosillo, SO MX: Sunny 58-80 Veracruz, VE MX: Sunny 76-100 Villahermosa, TB MX: Sunny 76-107 CENTRAL AND WESTERN ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---CAULIFLOWER: SUPPLY IN FEW HANDS. DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in quality and condition. cartons film wrapped White 12s 16.35-20.95 mostly 17.00-18.75 ---LETTUCE-ICEBERG: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET SLIGHTLY LOWER. Extra services included. Wide range in quality and condition. cartons flm lined 24s 24.00-31.95 mostly 28.00-30.75 few 33.00-33.85 24s flmwrpd 25.00-32.95 mostly 29.00-31.75 few 34.00-34.85 ---LETTUCE-OTHER: SUPPLY IN FEW HANDS. DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET LOWER. Extra services included. Wide range in quality and condition. cartons Green Leaf 24s 10.75-16.55 mostly 12.75-14.65 occasional higher Red Leaf 24s 10.75-16.55 mostly 12.75-14.65 ---LETTUCE-ROMAINE: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET SLIGHTLY LOWER. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality and condition. cartons 24s 28.75-32.55 mostly 29.95-31.45 occasional higher cartons 12 3-count packages Hearts 28.75-38.45 mostly 32.75-36.45 few 40.45-40.95 occasional lower cartons film lined Hearts 48s 30.75-39.45 mostly 34.75-36.65 few 41.45 occasional lower CENTRAL COAST CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2024 Season ---CABBAGE: DEMAND MODERATE. Extra services included. Quality generally good. 45 lb cartons Round Green Type 10.00-12.00 mostly 10.00-11.85 FIRST REPORT. ---ONIONS GREEN: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Quality generally good. cartons bunched Leeks 12s 17.45-19.85 mostly 17.45-18.45 occasional higher ---SPINACH: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET SLIGHTLY HIGHER. Extra services included. Quality generally good. cartons bunched 24s 14.00-19.75 mostly 14.00-15.50 occasional higher CENTRAL SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---LETTUCE-ICEBERG: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET SLIGHTLY LOWER. Extra services included. cartons flm lined 24s 24.65-28.50 mostly 25.00-27.45 one label 32.50 24s flmwrpd 25.65-29.50 mostly 26.00-28.45 one label 33.50 IMPERIAL & COACHELLA VALLEY CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---CAULIFLOWER: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons film wrapped White 9s 16.00-21.00 mostly 16.00-18.00 occasional higher and lower 12s 16.00-22.00 mostly 17.00-19.00 occasional higher and lower ORGANIC cartons film wrapped White 12s 28.00-34.00 occasional higher ---LETTUCE-ICEBERG: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons flm lined 24s 24.00-30.00 mostly 27.00-29.00 few 31.00-34.00 occasional higher 24s flmwrpd 24.00-31.00 mostly 28.00-30.00 few 32.00-34.00 occasional higher ORGANIC cartons 12s flmwrpd 20.00-25.00 mostly 23.00-24.00 occasional higher ---LETTUCE-OTHER: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons Green Leaf 24s 18.00-24.00 mostly 21.00-23.00 few 25.00-28.00 occasional higher Red Leaf 24s 18.00-24.00 mostly 21.00-23.00 few 25.00-28.00 occasional higher ORGANIC cartons Green Leaf 24s 26.00-32.00 mostly 28.00-30.00 occasional higher and lower Red Leaf 24s 26.00-32.00 mostly 28.00-30.00 occasional higher and lower ---LETTUCE-ROMAINE: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons 24s 29.00-35.00 mostly 32.00-33.00 few 36.00-40.00 occasional higher and lower cartons 12 3-count packages Hearts 34.00-40.00 mostly 37.00-38.00 occasional higher ORGANIC cartons 24s 31.00-37.00 mostly 35.00-37.00 few as high as 40.00 occasional higher cartons 12 3-count packages Hearts 30.00-41.00 mostly 39.00-40.00 few 42.00-44.00 occasional higher IMPERIAL, COACHELLA & PALO VERDE VALLEYS CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---BROCCOLI: SUPPLY LIGHT. DEMAND GOOD. Extra services included. cartons bchd 14s supplies insufficient and in too few hands to establish a market bchd 18s supplies insufficient and in too few hands to establish a market 20 lb cartons loose Crown Cut supplies insufficient and in too few hands to establish a market Short Trim supplies insufficient and in too few hands to establish a market IMPERIAL, COACHELLA VALLEYS CALIF, CENTRAL AND WESTERN ARIZ, MEX CROSSINGS THROUGH CALEXICO AND SAN LUIS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---CABBAGE: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 45 lb cartons Round Green Type med 12.45-15.75 mostly 13.85-14.75 Red Type med 17.55-20.75 mostly 19.00-20.75 ORGANIC 45 lb cartons Round Green Type 18.35-25.50 mostly 18.35-20.50 Red Type 19.50-22.85 mostly 19.50-20.85 occasional higher ---CELERY: SUPPLY IN FEW HANDS. DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET HEARTS ABOUT STEADY, OTHERS SLIGHTLY HIGHER. Extra services included. Wide range in quality and condition. cartons 2 dz 15.75-20.50 mostly 17.75-18.55 one label 21.45 2 1/2 dz 17.75-20.75 mostly 17.75-18.55 one label 21.45 3 dz 17.55-20.75 mostly 17.55-18.55 one label 21.45 cartons film bags Hearts 18s 17.55-20.50 mostly 17.55-19.75 few 21.00 ORGANIC cartons 2 1/2 dz 26.95-32.75 mostly 26.95-30.95 occasional higher and lower cartons film bags Hearts 18s 28.50-30.95 occasional higher and lower ---ENDIVE: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality, and condition. cartons 24s 24.45-31.75 mostly 30.45-31.75 few 25.50 occasional higher ---ESCAROLE: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality, and condition. cartons 24s 30.45-35.75 mostly 34.45-35.75 few 39.25 occasional lower ---GREENS: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality, and condition. cartons bunched Kale green 24s 10.00-12.75 mostly 10.45-11.75 few 13.75-13.05 ORGANIC cartons bunched Kale green 24s 16.50-18.95 mostly 16.50-16.95 occasional higher red 24s 16.50-18.95 mostly 16.50-17.85 occasional higher Lacinato (Tuscan) 24s 16.50-18.95 mostly 16.50-16.95 occasional higher ---PARSLEY: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality and condition. cartons bunched Curly 60s 14.05-17.75 mostly 14.05-16.65 few 19.75 30s 10.45-16.25 mostly 13.75-14.05 occasional higher Plain 60s 14.00-17.25 mostly 14.05-16.75 few 19.25 30s 10.45-16.25 mostly 12.05-14.25 occasional higher ORGANIC cartons bunched Curly 30s 16.50-18.95 mostly 16.50-17.00 occasional higher Plain 30s 16.50-18.95 mostly 16.50-17.50 occasional higher and lower ---SPINACH: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality and condition. cartons bunched 24s 11.55-16.65 mostly 11.55-15.75 occasional higher KERN DISTRICT CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---CARROTS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Most present shipments represent previous commitments and/or prior bookings. Wide range in price, quality and condition. sacks 48 1-lb film bags med-lge 22.00-29.00 mostly 22.00-25.60 50 lb sacks loose jbo 20.00-23.00 few as high as 30.00 25 lb sacks loose jbo 10.00-11.50 few as high as 18.00 cartons 30 1-lb film bags Baby Peeled 21.00-23.00 mostly 21.00-21.85 ORGANIC sacks 48 1-lb film bags med-lge 28.00-32.00 few as high as 34.35 25 lb sacks loose jbo 17.00-22.00 few 24.10 cartons 30 1-lb film bags Baby Peeled 30.90-32.00 few as low as 13.00 LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---CABBAGE: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET SLIGHTLY LOWER. Extra services included. 50 lb cartons Round Green Type med 9.00-11.00 mostly 9.00-10.00 occasional higher and lower Red Type med 13.00-16.00 mostly 13.00-15.00 occasional higher ---GREENS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons bunched Collard 24s 13.85-16.85 mostly 15.85-16.85 occasional higher Kale 24s 13.85-16.85 mostly 15.85-16.85 occasional higher Mustard 24s 13.85-16.85 mostly 15.85-16.85 occasional higher Turnip Tops 24s 13.85-16.85 mostly 15.85-16.85 occasional higher MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH NOGALES, ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---BEANS: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET STEADY. Extra services included. 30 lb cartons Round Green Type Handpicked 14.00-16.95 mostly 14.00-16.00 occasional lower ---CORN-SWEET: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in quality. cartons Yellow 4 dz min 15.95-18.95 mostly 15.95-17.95 occasional higher White 4 dz min 18.95-20.95 mostly 18.95 occasional higher Bi-Color 4 dz min 16.95-18.95 ---CUCUMBERS: DEMAND PICKLES AND LONG SEEDLESS MODERATE, OTHERS FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET MEDIUM, PICKLES AND LONG SEEDLESS ABOUT STEADY; OTHERS LOWER. Extra services included. Wide range in quality. 1 1/9 bushel cartons med 14.95-18.95 mostly 14.95-16.95 few 20.95 fr qual 10.95-14.95 mostly 12.95 occasional higher ord qual 6.95-9.95 mostly 6.95-8.95 few 5.95 occasional higher sml 8.95-10.95 mostly 9.95-10.95 occasional higher lge 12.95-16.95 mostly 14.95-16.95 occasional higher cartons 24s 5.95-8.95 mostly 6.95-7.95 36s 8.95-10.95 mostly 8.95 occasional higher BUSHEL & 40-45 LB PLASTIC CONTAINERS Pickles 150-200s 24.00-26.00 occasional higher 200-300s 26.00-28.95 mostly 26.00-28.00 occasional higher 300-400s 26.00-28.95 mostly 26.00-28.00 occasional higher GREENHOUSE cartons film wrapped Long Seedless med 12s 2.95-5.95 mostly 3.95-5.00 occasional higher sml 12s 2.95-5.00 mostly 3.95-4.00 occasional higher lge 12s 3.95-6.00 occasional higher irreg sz fr qual 6.95-10.95 mostly 6.95-8.00 occasional higher and lower ---EGGPLANT: DEMAND LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 1 bu, 1 1/9 bu, 1 1/6 bu cartons wrapped 18s 12.95-16.95 mostly 14.95 occasional higher fr qual 10.95-14.95 mostly 10.95-12.95 24s 10.95-14.95 mostly 12.95 few low as 8.95 occasional higher fr qual 8.95-12.95 mostly 9.95-10.95 occasional higher ---PEPPERS, BELL TYPE: DEMAND GREEN MODERATE, OTHERS LIGHT. MARKET GREEN LARGE SLIGHTLY HIGHER, 15 LB REDS AND 11 LB CARTONS LOWER, OTHERS ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Green wide range in quality and condition. 1 1/9 bushel cartons Green jbo 20.95-24.95 mostly 20.95-22.95 occasional higher and lower exlge 20.95-24.95 mostly 20.95-22.95 occasional higher and lower lge 16.95-20.95 mostly 16.95-18.95 occasional higher and lower med 8.95-12.95 mostly 10.95 few 14.95 irreg sz fr qual 8.35-12.95 mostly 9.95-10.95 occasional higher Red irreg sz fr qual 16.95-22.95 mostly 16.95-18.95 few 14.95 occasional higher and lower 1 1/9 bushel cartons place pack Green exlge supplies in too few hands to establish a market lge supplies in too few hands to establish a market 15 lb cartons Red jbo 10.95-14.95 mostly 12.95 few 16.95 occasional higher exlge 10.95-14.95 mostly 12.95 few 16.95 occasional higher lge 10.95-14.95 mostly 10.95-12.95 occasional higher GREENHOUSE 11 lb cartons Red exlge 8.95-12.95 mostly 9.95-10.95 occasional higher and lower lge 8.95-10.95 mostly 8.95 occasional higher and lower Yellow exlge 9.95-12.95 mostly 10.95 few 14.95 lge 8.95-12.95 mostly 8.95-10.95 occasional higher Orange exlge 8.95-12.95 mostly 10.95 occasional higher lge 8.95-12.95 mostly 8.95-10.95 occasional higher ---PEPPERS, OTHER: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 1 1/9 bushel cartons Anaheim 1.04-1.17 mostly 1.08-1.12 per lb Jalapeno .72-.79 mostly .74-.76 few .85 Poblano .73-.82 mostly .75-.80 occasional higher Serrano .90-.95 occasional higher and lower Yellow Chile .75-.85 mostly .80-.85 few .95 cartons 12 1-lb film bags Mixed Mini Sweet Types 16.95-20.95 mostly 18.95 ---SQUASH: DEMAND ZUCCHINI AND SPAGHETTI FAIRLY LIGHT, OTHERS MODERATE. MARKET ZUCCHINI SLIGHTLY LOWER, OTHERS ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in quality. 4/7 bushel cartons Zucchini sml 3.95-6.00 mostly 3.95-5.00 occasional lower sml-med 3.95-6.00 mostly 3.95-5.00 occasional lower med 3.95-5.00 occasional lower Yellow Straightneck sml 8.95-10.95 mostly 10.95 few 12.95 sml-med 8.95-10.95 mostly 10.95 few 12.95 med 7.95-10.95 mostly 8.95-9.95 Grey sml 10.00-12.95 mostly 10.95-12.95 occasional higher and lower sml-med 10.00-12.95 mostly 10.95-12.95 occasional higher and lower med 8.95-12.95 mostly 10.95 occasional higher 1 1/9 bushel cartons Zucchini med-lge 3.95-5.00 occasional higher and lower Acorn med 6.95-10.95 mostly 6.95-8.95 occasional lower lge 8.95-12.95 mostly 10.95 Butternut sml 6.95-10.95 mostly 8.95 occasional higher med 8.95-12.95 mostly 10.95 occasional higher lge 12.95-16.95 mostly 12.95-14.95 occasional lower Kabocha med 8.95-12.95 mostly 10.95-12.95 occasional higher lge 12.95-16.95 mostly 12.95-14.95 occasional higher and lower xlge 14.00-18.00 mostly 14.95-16.95 occasional higher Spaghetti sml 4.95-8.95 mostly 5.95-6.95 occasional higher and lower med 5.95-10.95 mostly 6.95-7.95 occasional higher and lower lge 5.95-10.95 mostly 7.95-8.95 occasional higher and lower ---TOMATOES: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 25 lb cartons loose Vine Ripes 4x4 sz 18.95-20.95 mostly 20.95 occasional higher 4x5 sz 18.95-20.95 mostly 20.95 occasional higher 5x5 sz 16.95-20.95 mostly 18.95-20.95 occasional higher 5x6 sz 18.95-20.95 occasional higher and lower cartons 2 layer Vine Ripes 4x4s 16.95-20.95 mostly 18.95 occasional higher 4x5s 16.95-20.95 mostly 18.95 occasional higher 5x5s 14.95-20.95 mostly 16.95 5x6s 14.95-18.95 mostly 16.95 few 20.95 ---TOMATOES, GRAPE TYPE: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. flats 12 1-pt containers with lids 6.95-10.95 mostly 6.95-8.95 occasional higher and lower 20 lb cartons loose 16.95-20.95 mostly 16.95-18.95 ---TOMATOES, PLUM TYPE: DEMAND MEDIUM FAIRLY GOOD AT SLIGHTLY LOWER PRICES, OTHERS GOOD. MARKET MEDIUM SLIGHTLY LOWER, OTHERS ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 25 lb cartons loose Roma exlge 18.95-20.95 few 22.95 lge 16.95-18.95 occasional higher med 14.95-16.95 occasional lower MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND SAN LUIS, ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---ONIONS GREEN: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET LEEKS ABOUT STEADY, OTHERS SLIGHTLY HIGHER. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality and condition. Most shipments from Mexico transferred to Central California for consolidation and distribution. cartons bunched 48s med 22.55-27.95 mostly 24.55-26.45 few 28.05-30.00 Leeks 12s 15.95-20.75 mostly 18.45-19.85 few 21.85 cartons 2 film bags iceless 24 bunches per bag 20.75-28.75 mostly 25.75-27.95 few 30.00-32.65 cartons 4 film bags iceless 12 bunches per bag 20.75-28.75 mostly 25.75-27.95 few 30.00-32.65 ORGANIC cartons bunched 48s med 26.50-42.75 mostly 30.50-40.95 Leeks 12s 22.50-26.00 mostly 22.50-24.85 few 28.95 occasional higher MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH TEXAS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---BROCCOLI: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in quality and condition. 20 lb cartons loose Crown Cut Short Trim 16.00-19.00 mostly 16.00-18.00 occasional higher ---CABBAGE: DEMAND LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 50 lb cartons Round Green Type med 8.00-9.50 mostly 8.00-9.00 50 lb sacks Round Green Type med 4.00-6.00 mostly 5.00-6.00 ---CARROTS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in price, quality, and condition. 50 lb sacks loose jbo 10.00-12.00 mostly 11.00-12.00 occasional higher ---CUCUMBERS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in price, quality and condition. Most present shipments from prior bookings and or previous commitments. 1 1/9 bushel cartons med 18.95-22.95 mostly 20.95-21.95 occasional lower fr qual 16.95-20.95 mostly 16.95-18.95 ord qual 12.95-16.95 mostly 12.95-14.95 occasional lower lge 22.95-25.95 mostly 22.95-24.95 ---LETTUCE-ICEBERG: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons 24s flmwrpd 12.00-16.00 mostly 12.00-14.00 ---PEPPERS, BELL TYPE: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in price and quality. GREENHOUSE 11 lb cartons Red jbo 22.00-28.00 mostly 24.00-26.00 exlge 22.00-28.00 mostly 24.00-26.00 occasional higher lge 19.00-24.00 mostly 20.00-22.00 occasional higher Yellow jbo 21.00-26.00 mostly 21.00-23.00 occasional higher exlge 21.00-26.00 mostly 21.00-23.00 occasional higher Orange jbo 21.00-26.00 mostly 21.00-23.00 occasional higher exlge 21.00-26.00 mostly 21.00-23.00 occasional higher ---PEPPERS, OTHER: DEMAND JALAPENO AND SERRANO VERY GOOD, OTHERS GOOD. MARKET POBLANO MUCH HIGHER, JALAPENO HIGHER, ANAHEIM, SERRANO, AND HABANERO SLIGHTLY HIGHER. Wide range in price, quality, condition and size. 1 1/9 bushel cartons Anaheim 32.00-36.00 mostly 34.00-36.00 occasional higher Jalapeno 38.00-42.00 mostly 38.00-40.00 Poblano 30.00-34.00 mostly 30.00-32.00 Serrano 42.00-45.00 mostly 42.00-44.00 8 lb cartons Habanero orange 20.00-24.00 mostly 22.00-24.00 ---TOMATOES: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 25 lb cartons loose Vine Ripes 4x4 sz 20.95-24.95 mostly 20.95-22.95 occasional lower 4x5 sz 20.95-24.95 mostly 20.95-22.95 occasional lower 5x5 sz 20.95-23.95 mostly 21.95-22.95 occasional lower 5x6 sz 20.95-23.95 mostly 21.95-22.95 occasional lower cartons 2 layer Vine Ripes 4x4s 18.95-21.95 mostly 18.95-20.95 4x5s 18.95-21.95 mostly 18.95-20.95 5x5s 18.95-21.95 mostly 19.95-20.95 5x6s 18.95-21.95 mostly 19.95-20.95 ---TOMATOES, GRAPE TYPE: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in quality and condition. flats 12 1-pt containers with lids med-lge 7.95-10.95 mostly 7.95-9.95 20 lb cartons loose med-lge 15.95-18.95 mostly 15.95-16.95 ---TOMATOES, PLUM TYPE: DEMAND GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in quality and condition. 25 lb cartons loose Roma exlge 19.95-22.95 mostly 20.95-22.95 lge 18.95-21.95 mostly 18.95-20.95 med 16.95-19.95 mostly 16.95-18.95 occasional higher OXNARD DISTRICT CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---CELERY: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range quality and condition. cartons 2 dz 15.85-19.75 mostly 16.75-18.65 few 20.00-20.75 occasional lower 2 1/2 dz 15.00-19.75 mostly 16.75-18.65 few 20.00-20.75 occasional lower 3 dz 15.00-19.75 mostly 16.75-18.65 few 20.00-20.75 occasional lower cartons film bags Hearts 18s 16.75-20.50 mostly 16.75-18.85 few 21.00-21.45 ---GREENS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality and condition. cartons bunched Kale green 24s 10.95-14.00 mostly 12.00-12.95 Lacinato (Tuscan) 24s 12.95-18.00 mostly 14.00-15.95 ---PARSLEY: DEMAND PLAIN FAIRLY LIGHT, CURLY MODERATE. MARKET PLAIN HIGHER, CURLY ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in quality and condition. cartons bunched Curly 60s 12.75-16.95 mostly 13.95-14.00 Plain 60s 12.95-19.00 mostly 14.00-17.00 few 22 SALINAS-WATSONVILLE CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2024 Season ---BROCCOLI: SUPPLY CROWN CUTS LIGHT. DEMAND BUNCHED MODERATE, CROWN CUTS FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons bchd 14s 19.65-23.75 mostly 19.65-21.75 few 25.00-26.75 occasional higher bchd 18s 20.15-24.25 mostly 20.15-22.25 few 25.50-27.25 occasional higher 20 lb cartons loose Crown Cut 22.95-28.95 mostly 24.65-26.75 few 29.25-30.45 Short Trim 27.75-32.00 mostly 28.45-30.25 few 33.50 ORGANIC cartons bchd 14s 20.00-24.50 mostly 20.00-22.95 occasional higher 20 lb cartons loose Crown Cut 22.00-30.50 mostly 26.50-26.95 occasional higher ---CAULIFLOWER: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET 12S SLIGHTLY LOWER, 16S SLIGHTLY HIGHER, 9S ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons film wrapped White 9s 14.45-18.75 mostly 15.65-17.00 12s 15.75-20.95 mostly 16.55-18.75 few 21.00-21.50 16s 14.45-18.75 mostly 14.45-16.75 ORGANIC cartons film wrapped White 12s 24.50-32.00 mostly 28.50-30.50 occasional higher and lower ---LETTUCE-OTHER: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET SLIGHTLY LOWER. Extra services included. cartons Boston 24s 26.55-32.75 mostly 28.25-30.75 occasional lower Green Leaf 24s 12.75-18.45 mostly 15.50-17.75 few 19.25-19.95 Red Leaf 24s 12.75-18.45 mostly 15.50-17.75 few 19.75-19.95 ---LETTUCE-ROMAINE: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET SLIGHTLY LOWER. Extra services included. cartons 24s 26.75-32.75 mostly 28.75-30.75 few 34.75-35.55 occasional higher and lower cartons 12 3-count packages Hearts 29.75-36.95 mostly 33.25-35.75 few 38.45-40.55 cartons film lined Hearts 48s 31.75-38.95 mostly 34.50-36.55 few 41.45 ORGANIC cartons 12 3-count packages Hearts 35.75-40.75 mostly 37.75-39.75 few 42.00-42.50 SAN ANTONIO-WINTERGARDEN DISTRICT TEXAS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---CABBAGE: DEMAND LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 50 lb cartons Round Green Type med 8.00-10.00 mostly 9.00-10.00 Red Type med 12.00-14.00 mostly 12.00-13.00 SANTA MARIA CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---BROCCOLI: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons bchd 14s 10.00-14.35 mostly 11.00-14.35 few 16.35 20 lb cartons loose Crown Cut 16.00-22.00 mostly 17.00-20.00 Short Trim 19.00-24.00 mostly 21.00-23.00 few 28.00 ---CAULIFLOWER: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality and condition. cartons film wrapped White 9s supplies in too few hands to establish a market. 12s 12.50-18.00 mostly 14.50-15.50 few as low as 10.00 16s supplies in too few hands to establish a market. ---CELERY: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in price, quality and condition. cartons 2 dz 12.00-18.00 mostly 14.00-15.00 2 1/2 dz 12.35-15.00 mostly 13.00-14.00 few 18.00 3 dz supplies in too few hands to establish a market. SANTA MARIA CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2024 Season ---LETTUCE-ICEBERG: DEMAND MODERATE. Extra services included. Quality generally good. cartons flm lined 24s 13.00-18.00 mostly 13.00-16.00 few 21.00-24.85 24s flmwrpd 14.00-20.55 mostly 16.00-20.00 few 22.35-25.55 FIRST REPORT. ---LETTUCE-OTHER: DEMAND MODERATE. Extra services included. Quality generally good. cartons Green Leaf 24s 14.00-18.85 mostly 14.00-16.00 Red Leaf 24s 13.00-18.50 mostly 13.00-14.00 few 19.35 FIRST REPORT. ---LETTUCE-ROMAINE: DEMAND MODERATE. Extra services included. Quality generally good. cartons 24s 18.00-24.00 mostly 18.00-20.00 few 25.00-26.55 cartons 12 3-count packages Hearts 24.00-28.00 mostly 24.00-26.55 few 32.85 FIRST REPORT. SOUTH & CENTRAL CALIFORNIA AND MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND SAN LUIS, ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---ARTICHOKES: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET 12-24S ABOUT STEADY, 30S SLIGHTLY LOWER. Extra services included. cartons Globe 12s 24.75-26.75 one label 35.55 18s 24.75-26.75 few 35.55-35.75 24s 24.75-26.75 one label 35.55 30s 17.75-26.75 mostly 21.75-23.75 one label 35.55 ---BRUSSELS SPROUTS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET SLIGHTLY HIGHER. Extra service included. Wide range in quality and condition. Most shipments from Mexico transferred to Central California for consolidation and distribution. 25 lb cartons med 20.95-24.85 mostly 21.45-22.75 few 25.95-26.45 ---RADISHES: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET 24S SLIGHTLY HIGHER, 48S ABOUT STEADY. Extra service included. Most shipments from Mexico transferred to Central California for consolidation and distribution. cartons bunched Red 24s 9.95-16.95 mostly 13.75-14.75 few 18.45 48s 16.45-18.95 mostly 16.45-17.75 few 20.45-20.55 SOUTH DISTRICT CALIFORNIA AND MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND SAN LUIS, ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---BEETS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. cartons bunched Red Type 12s 12.55-16.45 mostly 12.85-15.75 few 18.75-17.75 ORGANIC cartons bunched Red Type 12s 14.00-18.00 mostly 15.85-16.50 occasional higher 24s 18.00-22.00 mostly 18.00-20.00 few 25.95 occasional higher Gold Type 12s 14.00-18.85 mostly 14.00-16.85 24s 18.00-22.00 mostly 18.85-20.00 few 29.85